Marine Data Solutions| Yacht Internet
Data, information, Internet access- whatever you choose to call it, in a sense it’s priceless, our gateway to friends, business, entertainment, news, the very information we use to enhance and manage our lives- and more. One of the prices we paid was a tether- a cable, a desktop, a screen in one place… Access to that wonderful world of information and entertainment used to mean sitting in front of that screen. Now, it’s mobile in both the sense that we want our devices with us everywhere, and mobile in the sense that no matter where we have those devices, we want the best possible connection. Even, or especially, on a yacht- and Marine Data Solutions makes priceless affordable. And we do that without nickel and diming you- no throttling (carriers like to slow you down when you hit an arbitrary limit, not us), no activation fee, no overages. Marine Data Solutions turns “no” into good news by keeping it simple. How does Marine Data Solutions provide unlimited Internet? We co...